Link Building

What We Do

Zoo Marketing provides scholarship management and link-building services for companies looking for ethical, what hat, and Google-safe SEO strategies.

There is no hassle, we manage your scholarship from begging to end. While the scholarship is live we will build quality links to your scholarship page.

How Scholarships Benefit SEO

Quality Links

Links earned are from reputable scholarship sites, universities, high schools and businesses

White Hat

This is a white hat and safe way to earn links for your website

Improved Rankings

Earning quality links will increase your websites domain authority and overall rankings

Our Process

Build Page

First we create and implement a scholarship page on your website

Link Building

Then we increase your domain authority and SEO by building links to the scholarship page

Award Winner

Finally, we choose a scholarship winner and provide them with the award amount



Scholarship creation and management


Monthly campaigns available

Improve Your SEO Today